What is with the liberal left lately and their attack on Palin's religious beliefs.....Wait...did I actually just question why the liberal left is attacking a Christian?
haha....silly Summer......why even try to make sense of their moronic thinking...why, oh why?
Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air in the Republican party and anybody that has any sense of patriotism loves what she stands for in every way!
I'm excited to vote McCain/Palin in November!!!!
I'm proud to be a Christian, I'm proud to be a Republican....and I'm darn proud to be an American!!! (and a Texan at that!!)
The silly MJ impersonator....he stank, but..for some reason, everyone thought he was good!! That's what alcohol does to people...definitely impairs their judgement...LOL!!!
Me and my girl Trace being silly at my apartment.....
We were being total goofballs when we got home.....lol