Well...I feel as though I've been expending my energy into objects and desires that are not worth the effort lately. I've been stressing about little things and letting small issues get me down....Well....LOOK OUT WORLD...cause I'm about to overhaul my soul!!!
First change: I began my intense yoga program! I'm going to try to go at least 4 days a week, but would really like to go 6 or 7. My schedule doesn't always allow that, but I'm going to try my darnedest!
Second change: After many years of being "church-less", I've found a new church to call home. I'm excited to get involved in their programs (they volunteer a lot around the neighborhood) and they have LOTS of social events for singles!!! Man, oh man...I would love to meet a good, Christian man.... ;) And, who knows...I may start singing at church again! That would be fun!
Third change: So, the first 2 sort of focus on me...the 3rd deals with the people I love.........I will pay more attention to communicating my thanks and appreciation to those around me. I will go out of my way to help friends and family....and let them know how dearly they mean to me. Life is so short and precious and we mustn't take one minute of it for granted....
So....wish me luck on this journey for the mind, body and soul! :)
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