She was born a month before me, and the they history...
Brand new babies...

My daddy holding us both...
Sweet, precious little Kara...
Playing with the beach ball...

"I want what she's got..."

New Years 1981...
Uh, oh...I may have been a stinker!
Me and Kara...2 years old
My birthday party...
Going to see The Nutcracker ballet...Look at that sassy girl...
My 6th birthday...always having a good time...

It's "Nutcracker" time again...
Playing the piano with Kara's grandpa, David
YIPPEE! Sweet Secrets! (remember those??) And, yes...I'm missing my 2 front teeth...
Kara got The Little Professor....oh man...those were awesome toys!
I think this is my 11th birthday...And...the theme was (drum roll, please)...NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK!!!
Trying to look oh-so-cool!
At Six Flags in 2007
I love this girl as if she was my sister...

Kara is an amazing, generous and incredibly smart young woman....and I feel so blessed that she has been in my life since day one.
I am having dinner tonight with her and her husband to celebrate both of us turning 30 (which neither one of us can believe) and I'll be sure to post those pictures as soon as I get home...
Have fun! I need to find some old pictures to share. That is so neat that you are still friends!
How fun! It's so special to have a true best friend like that! Just as good as a sister IMHO!
These are so sweet they're making ME teary!
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