I was getting my "Hook 'Em" sign ready, but not fast enough...haha

I stayed in Austin that night, and drove to Victoria, Texas Sunday afternoon. It's a short 2 1/2 hour drive and it was kind of nice to look at the countryside. I checked into my hotel when I arrived and just relaxed in my room. I explored a little bit that evening and watched the Cowboy game that night (let's not talk about that...ugh)
My class started on Monday....alright...let's learn about compressors!!! I was the ONLY girl in the class, but it was a lot of fun. That evening, I decided to try out the only sushi place in town (I know, I know...probably not the smartest decision, but I just had to give it a shot) As I was waiting on my to-go order, a guy at the bar strikes up a conversation with me and we chit chat for a bit. He proceeds to tell me that I should go up to this place called "The Scoreboard" to watch the game (some college football game). So, I tell him I might make it up there and to give me a ring.
I'm sitting in my room enjoying my sushi (not bad, might I add) and my phone rings...it's the dude from the restaurant and he says,"So...do you want to play in a Texas Hold'em tournament?"
I say,"Sure...when?"
He says,"Right now! It's free!"
Me,"Why not! I'll be right up there!"
So, I make my way up to The Scoreboard and sit at my designated table for the tournament. We begin.....HEY, I won a hand...cool. HEY...I won another hand...awesome! I'm doing a pretty good job! Fast forward about 2 hours and I'm sitting at the "Winner's Table" with 4 other guys...LOL!

I ended up winning 2nd place! And, as a prize, I got a $15 gift card to Scoreboard...not sure when I will use it, but HEY..it's something!
Afterwards, I was sitting at the bar and this table full of people invited me to sit with them. They ended up being really sweet and we hung out the rest of the night...

So, one day of class was spent out in the field looking at actual compressors! This one that I'm standing on wasn't running, so I thought it would be cool to get my picture taken.....you know...as proof...haha

That day after class, I just couldn't hold out any longer...I bought myself some boots and Wrangler jeans! LOL! And that evening, I went to a restaurant called Lu Roq's and ate dinner....and they had a band playing that night. The band was actually quite impressive!
Overall, it was a fun week of learning and living the "slow-paced" country life. Around 10, I started out on the road towards San Antonio. Along the way, I passed through some of the cutest towns...this one caught my eye because of the name..hehe

I got into San Antonio around noon and decided to eat lunch on the Riverwalk...

Afterwards, I walked around the city and stopped by the Alamo for a visit. It was a really nice day outside, so walking around was so nice.
I flew back to Dallas that afternoon, and went to a Ranger game with some friends.
We had great seats (my friend's firm has these season tickets and they rock!)

Saturday, I went to lunch with some friends and we walked over to the Uptown Festival. They had cooking demonstrations, booths with jewelry and clothing...live music...all sorts of fun stuff.
Then, Saturday night, I celebrated my friend's brothers birthday...
Trace and me at Cadillac Ranch...

It was a fun-filled week and I was pure exhausted yesterday! I'm really not slowing down much this week either, but I'm going to try and get as much rest as possible when I can....
Hope everyone is doing wonderfully!
Looks like a fun, busy weekend! I love Austin!
i love seeing that smile of yours!
You're too cute, even if you are a Texas fan ;)
Sounds like you're having lots of fun. Keep it up! I love hearing all about it. :)
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