Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter weekend...

Yes, yes....I know.  It's been forever since my last post.  I apologize for my's just been kind of a weird time over the past week or so.  With the whole "no job and nothing to do all day" thing going on, I sort of lost myself for a bit....

You know...At first, I went through the "trying to "find myself" and figure out what I think will make me happy, discover my passion" phase....Then, I moved in the "watch Lifetime and Hallmark movies in my snuggie whilst gaining about 5 pounds of fluff" phase....Then, I feverishly transitioned in the "feeling guilty about the fact that I actually HAVE the time to workout now, but instead I'm wallowing in self pity and self-medicating with pizza and ice cream" phase...(jeez, can't believe I just confessed all of's kind of cathartic actually)  So, now...I'm ready to kick butt in the world again and get active about my life...Not just my job, but everything else...No more waiting for things to happen...I am going to make them happen!

There was something ligitimate holding me back last week though...Tuesday, I had one of my world class migraines that lasts all day, and then Thursday, I got a horrible, excruciating pain in my neck that lasted from Thursday until Tuesday.....this pain made me unable to turn my head, move or do anything at all...and it also gave me a horrible headache...yep...5 days of not being able to turn my neck, wincing from pain just from moving and being pretty much entirely debilitated.  It. Was. Not. Pleasant. Nope.

But, thankfully, my chiropractor helped me immensely yesterday, so now I am able to move my neck and the pain is so much lessened....It's still not entirely better, but heck...I thought I was dying it was so bad!

There's really not much to update you on from this past week....considering that 99% of it was spent on either my couch or Mister Cozy-Chair (that's what he likes to be called).  But, I did get my hair done!!!  Wanna see before and after pics?  Huh?  Do ya?  Are you sure?  Really?  I're not just saying that you do, but you really don't?  Oh....ok....if you insist......



So, this is me with my blond hair....super fun and sassy...but, I have had it blond for almost 2 years...and that's just way to long for me to have the same hair color!  I used to change it for every season...haha... is what I decided to to.....go just a little more brunette.  It's nothing too shocking, but next time, I'll go much darker I suppose.....

It has many color dimensions to it....there is honey, caramel, still some blond and of course, my hair always picks up red tones....I'm excited about my new look!  Big changes always need a new hair style...don't you think?  I certainly do!

Tomorrow morning, my daddy is going in for surgery on his shoulder.  Should be a simple procedure, but please keep him in your prayers....I appreciate it!  This weekend, I will just be hanging out at my parent's house and taking care of pops....laughing about goofy things with momma....and as always enjoying every minute that I am blessed to spend with my amazing parents.

This such a special time for Christians and it fills me with hope, grace and awe.  I hope that all of you have beautiful memories of past Easters and make some more beautiful memories this weekend.

God Bless.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE the hair, and I will keep your dad in my thoughts! =] Enjoy your Easter.

Sierra said...

Praying for your dad and you look beautiful, I love this new hair color on you. Have a very blessed Easter Summer!