Ahhh....do you remember the mornings when you were in school and the "bad" weather had moved in the night before and you just KNEW that school would be called off the next day?? You always had to get up extra early and turn on the news crossing your fingers and hoping beyond all hope that your school would be closed....(or..you could've had my amazing and wonderful mom, and she would watch the news and then let me know I didn't need to get up...I really had it great...)
And, sometimes (if you were adventurous) you and some friends would venture out onto the ice and "tennis shoe skate" or get some sort of metal sheet pans from the kitchen and slide down steep slopes?? Ahh.....those were the days.....
So....I knew when I heard the sleet hitting my patio door last night that it was going to be B-A-D this morning.
I woke up about 6 and turned on the news...and sure enough.....icy, scary, slippery, nothing-you-can-do-but-stay-home-to-keep-safe roads. So...I walked my little tooshie back to bed and set my alarm for 7:30 so that I could call my boss to let him know...hehe...
So, after getting to sleep in until about 9....I decided to begin getting ready. By the time I was ready at 10, I thought that the sun had probably melted off most of that pesky ice and I would semi-safe driving to work.....Did I mention that I only live 1 mile from my office? Well...that doesn't really matter anyway...but, I thought I would throw that little tidbit in.....SO, I pack up, get in my car and head out of the parking garage.
I safely get down the ramp (thank goodness) and turn onto the road...So far, so good. I make my first full turn left.....going alright....ok...goodness Summer...what's wrong with you....this isn't so bad...hmmph...what's a little ice...sheesh...nothin' to it!
Then......I get to the service road....where I'm supposed to turn right.....Hmm...well, I'm pushing on the gas.....why isn't my car moving.....what's that noise??? Ohhhhh....that's the sound of spinning tires.....silly Summer....(beginning to freak out a little at this point) Then, a Range Rover pulls up behind me and I try the gas again...........nothing. So, I wave the rover to pass me and try my luck at reverse......VICTORY! My car can reverse!!! Yeahhh....ummm....so, now what? Well, I decide to try a different approach to turning on the service road. I go around the icy "patch" that had stumped me last time...and it worked! I turned and was headed towards the first intersection.......Whew....alright Summer....doing great.....feelin' loose.....no problemo....
As I am going through the intersection (seriously only going about 5 mph) I start turning my wheel to turn left..........
WHY IS MY CAR SPINNING?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright....maybe it wasn't that dramatic.....but, my heart was racing! I was turned the wrong way on the road, in the middle of the intersection and.....drum roll please.....I was stuck. My car would NOT go anywhere. I tried reverse....nothing....I tried gunning it (stop laughing) nothing......Finally, my tires caught the road.......and I was on my way......................on my way home OF COURSE!!! There was NO WAY that I was going to tempt fate any further.....
I made it back fine, called my office and let them know that Scary Ice Driving Attempt #1 had not been a success.....so, I'd give it a go in a couple of hours...or so.......
Long story short (actually...this is really long....sorry....felt like writing...hehe) I made it to the office by about 1:45 with almost no slipping and sliding and made it home tonight safe and sound! Thank the Lord!!!!!
..........I don't like ice.............
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