To say that I am "
blue" doesn't even begin to describe what I'm feeling......more like.....
dejected, despondent, destroyed, disconsolate, dismal, dispirited, doleful, dolorous, down and out, downhearted, droopy, glum, grim, heavyhearted, in a funk, joyless, lachrymose, low, lugubrious, mirthless, miserable, saddened, somber, trite, unhappy, wet blanket(gotta love that one..hehe), wistful, woebegone, woeful......What thesaurus??? What are you talking about?? I'm just smart.....sheesh.....
ANYHOO....Why am I feeling this way, you ask?
Well, I just finished the last book in the Twilight series......yes, I'm one of
those people....And, if you haven't read them yet, then don't judge.... :P

These books are some of the most (if not THE most) amazing books I've ever read. I felt as if I was a part of the if these people's lives were intertwined with mine, however fantastical and otherworldly they may have been. Not sure how to explain it, but once you pick up the first book, you are extraordinarily captivated.....each fascinating character having a very different and powerful presence. Nothing is as it seems as the plot twists and turns in every way you NEVER imagined.
It's funny actually....I saw the movie "Twilight" when it came out a few months ago before having even heard of the book (yes, I was living under a rock)
My mom began reading it before me, and I could hear the excitement...the utter thrill in her voice when she would regale to me the parts she had read (not allowing too much information, because she knew I was going to read it, too) Needless to say, I dove into the first book immediately and was HOOKED! I just couldn't put it down! And so....the obsession began...
So, back to my "downer" mood...haha.....guess I'll just have to start from the beginning again.....