Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tonight, Tonight, Tonight, Tonight, Tonight.....HOT DANG TONIGHT!

I just don't think I can hold it in much just a little over 14 hours, I will be engrossed in Edward, Bella and Jake's lives as if they were my own! (do I need to seek professional help??)

I haven't decided which Twi-shirt to wear yet...hmmm.....decisions, decisions.....

You better believe that I will be blogging about it tomorrow...but, I'll make sure to alert you of spoilers! No worries there folks!

the countdown has begun.....




Emily said...


Kim said...

I'm going tonight too!!! I caved into the fear that the movie won't be as good as the book and realized I have to see it anyways! At the midnight showing of course!! SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!

Molly said...

You New Moon fanatics are making me laugh!! I better see the original and become less of a loser. :)

Kim said...

Soooooooo....what'd you think?! I wasn't crazy impressed but still want to see it again! lol. In fact I'm desperate to see it again, yet I'm really not all that sure I liked it!