Tracey and I stayed at her parent's house the night before our flight because they live very close to the airport...
Ahhh....bright and early Saturday morning...6, giggles and pure excitement...
Summer: "Tracey!!! We leave for Cabo in just a few hours!!!!"
Tracey: "I KNOOOOOW!!!!" {giggle} {shriek}
...a bit of silly dancing...
7 a.m. - Tracey and I are both putting the finishing touches on our "Let's be casual but still totally Cabo-Cute on the plane without looking like we tried too hard" look.
7:02 a.m. - Tracey's mom walks upstairs with a concerned look...
Tracey's mom: "Umm..girls...I hate to burst your bubble, but I just checked your flight...and...umm...they've delayed it until 2:35 this afternoon."
Tracey and I exchange a look of confusion, disappointment and total shock!
Sure enough...Tracey calls, and they have delayed our flight to the afternoon. So...her dad decides to make us a BIG breakfast....toast, eggs, bacon..the whole shebang. We all sit down, enjoy our breakfast and I decide to look online just to see if we can maybe find an earlier flight....You never know, right?
As I'm looking online at our flight, I can't see where it states that it's delayed....It appears to be on time....Hmm...this is odd....I wonder why they aren't showing the delay??? guessed it! Those fools at American Airlines must have found another plane in the meantime and were able to keep the flight ON TIME!!!!!! Needless to say...we SCRAMBLED around and threw our luggage in the car and peeled out of the driveway to make it to the airport on time. (by this time, it's 8:30 and our flight is scheduled to leave at madness)
We got to the airport by about 8:45 and were able to "cut" in front of everyone in line (thank you to all of the nice people who let us do this) and were able to check our luggage, get our tickets and got to the terminal ON TIME!!!
We arrive in Cabo on time and happy as jaybirds! We walk off the plane, go down the stairs, start dancing toward the baggage claim, take a picture, get in trouble for taking a picture, then go inside...hehehe...
My luggage happens to be bright pink and orange...(I'm no fool...I don't like playing the "Which piece of black luggage is mine" game) I see mine immediately and Tracey waits on hers......and waits.......and waits.......and guessed it.....NOT THERE!!! (LOL..ok..I'm sorry, but I can't help but giggle a little bit at this point, because if you knew my dear Tracey, you would know she is the LAST person that can deal with losing luggage)
We go to the front desk, give them our hotel information and HOPE that it's on the next flight. We go to the customs check, and I push the glows Green. (this means, I go checking of the carry-on luggage) Tracey pushes it...{giggle} Red. She looks at me and says, "Of course."
At this point, I could nearly pee my pants I'm laughing so hard....(sorry Trace, you know I love you!)
FINALLY, we walk out of the airport....Tracey spots that there is a bar attached to the outside of the airport...and we precede to order 2 shots of tequila and 2 Coronas...(we're in Mexico...we have to start it off right....right??)
(you have to admit...pretty good attitude after having your luggage lost and getting a near body-cavity search at customs....hehehe)

Awwww.....Hello Cabo....we've been waiting for you...

This concludes "Part One" of our session today kids....more to come....