This entire experience has been so enriching, encouraging and inspiring! The caliber of women I am getting to know are extraordinary and I'm always impressed by seeing such beautiful and stylized writing.
**You women are TALENTED!!!**
Just yesterday, I had the amazing opportunity to meet one of my FAVORITE BLOG FRIENDS!!! Here is a picture of me with her oldest daughter, Sophia!!

Right after I got out of work...I headed to our "meet-up location" (sounds very spy-like and covert, I know...haha) And, when I saw her sitting there with her beautiful children...I just knew I was going to enjoy myself! Right from the get-go, we hugged and felt as if we were just old friends catching up after not having seen each other for a long time. Her generous and kind demeanor were evident from the first moment.
And...I SO enjoyed meeting her beautiful girls (Vera...they might have been energetic..but, come on...I would be too had I been in a car all day...LOL)
Overall, it was such a fun experience...and I look forward to meeting more of my bloggy friends in the future!
(Bloggy friends...if you've ever in Dallas...I'm just sayin'...let me know!!)
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