Since there are about a zillion pictures in this post, I'll just caption them instead of telling ALL of the stories...(cause believe me...there are DEFINITELY stories...hehehe)
Trace and me on our balcony first day in Cabo...

View #1 from our balcony...

View #2 from balcony...

At dinner in downtown

Dancing after dinner (there was a LOT of dancing on this trip....a LOT!)

First time at Cabo Wabo!!!

By the bar...

Ok...let me explain...they had these blue tequila popsicles...and..well..I had one....

Erin has no fear...(I, on the other hand, was squirming while taking the picture)

Chillin' on the beach...

Erin and me in the pool....with our yummy fruity drinks!

Hangin' by the pool

Downtown Cabo shopping day

Trace and me on the boat to Lover's Beach

Glass Bottom Boat girls!

Girls on Lover's Beach

El Squid Roe, BABY!!!

Dancing on the table...(don't judge, just accept)

Having a nice sushi dinner...(probably the reason I was on 3 different antibiotics after returning from the trip...sheesh..)

This guy made us this amazing coffee drink with LOTS of flames!

This drink was soooo took us about 30 minutes to finish!

Scary Cabo after dark! can get all of these and then hop right next door to pick up a bottle of my...

Me and Trace at Cabo Wabo...

Yep...more dancing on stages....(they played some of my FAVES..."Baby Got Back" and "Boom Boom Pow")

Girls at Cabo Wabo

Last day in Cabo....

8 days seems like a long time at the beginning of your trip....but, then...all of a was over...just like that! But, I was soooo ready to get home and sleep in my own bed!
Tracey and I were picked up by our guys and they greeted us at the airport with roses!!! It was SOOO sweet!
Overall...just an AMAZING trip with AMAZING girls!
Oooooohhhh, it looks like so much fun!!! The view from your balcony was amazing! You all looked fabulous, too! What an awesome trip! It's too bad you got sick, though : (
Oh, FUN! No judgement for table dancing here. You go girl! Now I want to go to Cabo. :)
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