Thursday, March 26, 2009

Back to knitting....

Alright ladies (and gents, if there are any of you out there)'s time for me to start up my knitting again! I've been on a knitting hiatus for a while now...and I'm ready to warm up the ole needles!

Since all that I've made so far are scarves, I think I want to dive into something a little more detailed. I'm just asking for chaos, aren't I?

I think I may want to make a wrap or shrug of some kind....I've found some cute patterns in books that my mom and I have, and that would be fun!

*side note* Has anyone seen that commercial with the girl that knits EVERYTHING and her poor husband comes in wearing his knitted "jersey" and tells her,"Honey...I'm really warm." LOL....for some reason, that commercial cracks me up. Funny thing is....I don't even remember what the commercial is promoting! :)

Boy....this post is boring.....I'll post something funny later......or else, I may lose everyone really quickly.... ;)


Joyeful said...

I've always wanted to try knitting--but it just looks so intricate (I've been told it's not). Is it time consuming? I'm an impatient kinda gal : D

Emily said...

That commercial is hilarious! Good for you for knitting...i tried once and gave up pretty quickly. I don't have the aptitude for those kind of motor skills. lol
My giveaway starts tomorrow so make sure you drop by!

Anonymous said...

I don't think knitting is something I will ever attempt. I cross-stitch and scrapbook and decorate and take pictures, but I refuse to try knitting. Don't really know why. Perhaps I'm just stubborn :)

Corie said...

I've been wanting to learn to knit for awhile now.
So, is it difficult?
I haven't seen the commercial. I don't watch many commercials... with the world of dvr... but I will have to watch for it as I fast forward.