I began my weekend last Thursday....my parents and I went to the King Tut exhibit at the DMA. It was really spectacular, and truly amazing to see artifacts from such an ancient time. Of course, I'm a little miffed at the museum.....you see....they use King Tut's sarcophagus as their main marketing "ploy" to entice you to come to the exhibit. Well, for those of you who are unaware (aka..99.9% of the public), King Tut's sarcophagus cannot leave Egypt for ANY reason. But, it was very cool to see all of the other things that were found in his tomb....and read about the history.....

The rest of Thursday, I knitted an adorable little scarf....I'll be sure to post pictures when I get the tassels put on!!!
On Good Friday, I was excited to begin my project for the day! My parents found an old blanket box at an antique shop....now, this box will not actually be for blankets. I have this problem....and it involves having TOO. MANY. SHOES....and nowhere to put them. So, this will be called my "Boot Box" My goal for the day (should I choose to accept it) was to sand it down and paint it. I went to Lowes to pick out the perfect paint color.
I had no idea that paint was SO MUCH FUN! But, also....since there are so many choices...it's tough to decide on just ONE! Finally, I decided on "Cranberry Bog"...(a deep, reddish-pink color) and I added in some gold flecks for added "dazzle"!!!
It was such a beautiful day outside.....just perfect for being outside! I sanded and sanded that old box until it was nice and smooth (that's quite an arm workout!)
*Insert sign* - "Picasso At Work" hehehe.....
I was finished before I knew it! And....IT LOOKED GREAT! I couldn't believe my eyes! I was so proud as I looked upon my little "masterpiece"......*cocky smirk* (ooooh...I hope I didn't paint the lid shut......)
**I'll post pictures of the beautiful cranberry wonder later...
So, on to Saturday.....
My parents and I
Here are my parents before the race began...

We walked along at a nice, steady pace...yep...making goooood time.....umm...why is the lady with the double stroller ahead of us???
As we crossed the finish line, we began our chant..."We're not last, We're not last!" (well..we said it under our breaths anyway....hehe)

(by the way...that time on the clock does not accurately portray our timing, because we took that picture as we were leaving.......seriously....I'm not kidding......you don't believe me, do you?)
What a glorious day to rejoice and reflect on our Lord and Savior....
I attended the early service at my childhood church with my parents and grandparents. Gosh...I haven't been there in about 10 years, so it was wonderful to see the pastor and others. We sang a lot of beautiful songs and the pastor delivered a touching message.
So...umm....yeah....the Easter bunny still visits me every year.....*blushing*

(and the gifts get cooler and COOLER!)
We had family over for Easter lunch....my mom made this beautiful coconut cake (I can't stand coconut, but I thought it was sooo pretty!)

After all of the family left, I headed home to greet at my church and attend our evening service. It was a spectacular service and made me cry several times...with the music, visuals and message.
Overall...just a fantastic weekend filled with family, love, accomplishment and most importantly....God's Love and the remembrance of His sacrifice.
Wow, you had a packed weekend! Sounds so fun though! I've always wanted to do a 5K walk (I have joint problems and can't run). So cool that you got to do that!
I also love knitting (although I don't get much time to do it anymore). Can't wait to see your pictures!
Have a great day!
Oh, that cake looks so yummy!! My mouth is watering!
Thanks for your beautiful comments--I just *love* them all!!
I gave you an award on my blog!
Very sweet post. How wonderful you still get treats from the Easter Bunny! Love it! Thanks so much for voting for me!
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