Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Attention Fellow Bloggers!!!

Could I please get some advice on yoga mats? I just started my yoga practice back up on Monday and want to get a good yoga mat, but I'm not sure which one to get...There are soooo many options!


(By the way...after just 2 days of yoga, my arms, legs and booty are so sore that it almost hurts just to think. Yep...that's pretty sore....)

Namaste my lovelies....


Summer Athena said...

get it girl.

i've missed ya.

Kristen said...

Once I'm done with school, I need to start exercising again. Except I know I need to actually GO somewhere... like a scheduled Yoga class. If I leave it up to myself to do... I never will.
And I would pick my mat because it's pretty. So I am of no help to you :(

Angie said...

I wish I could help with the Yoga mat advise, but I just have the mat that came with the Wii fit.

Hope your soreness ends soon!

Sierra said...

I don't really know yet since I am new too but my best advice is to call a Yoga studio and ask. They would know best. Yay good job girl and thanks so much for the encouragement - we certainly can both get in shape! :)

Trac~ said...

Hey sweetie - I have NO idea about yoga mats - sorry my friend! :o) Big hugs!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Could I borrow some motivation to get off my booty and do yoga?