Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Blog Idea...but, Only for Friends....Thoughts?

So, I've started yoga...I've tried changing my eating habits...and all in the name of getting healthy and in shape. I am setting realistic goals for myself so that I don't let myself down and actually feel like I'm accomplishing something.

The thing is...I want to take weekly pictures of myself to document my weight loss and really don't want to share that with the entire public, ya feelin' me?

So, I thought about starting up a private (invite only) blog about my weight loss journey, fun exercises, yummy and healthy recipes and just everything that I'm going through on this journey.

Would it be boring? Cause, as I'm writing this, it sounds like it may be boring to everyone except me...BHAHAHA!

Let me know what you think...or ideas you may have...I'm open to suggestions.


Wendy Morris said...

I would read it. I just joined the gym myself. There is no way I am going to wear a "mom" swimsuit this summer. hahahaha

lsnellings said...

I would read it! I have exactly 6 weeks to lose the muffin top before my trip to the bahamas!

Sierra said...

You can so do it girl! I've lost 3 lbs from eating healthy and keep telling yourself that you can and you will!

Molly said...

I totally think you should do it! It doesn't sound boring at all. I am showing my P90X before and after pics on my blog and it is giving me tons of motivation!

Kelly said...

Sounds like a great idea!! It would be a great way for you and your readers to stay accountable!!

vera said...

No, I LOVE the idea!! DO IT!!! I'm SO excited that, with this being my last baby and all, I get to actually get my body back (after 5.5 years of being pregnant, breast feeding, or being on fertility treatments NONSTOP!!) So I'm super motivated to lose a LOT of weight (45 lbs to get to where I was before Sophia - eep!) and reading about your journey would be totally inspirational. Just don't be alarmed if I sometimes hate your skinny self ;)

Summer said...

I found you through my bloggy friend Summer! I have like met 4 Summer's in blog world! You make 5....It adds sunshine to the place LOL...

I think your idea is fab....I would read it!
Looks like we have lots in common, Twilight, our name, humor....

Summer :0)