Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Moon.....Target....8 a.m.

For those that have read my blog for a while, you might remember my post last year about my anticipation and preparation for the Twilight dvd when it was released......Well, this morning....we had a repeat of that experience with the dvd release of New Moon.

And, once again.....I was there waiting at Target at 7:55 a.m. thinking there would be a mad dash to grab a copy of the coveted movie.....and once again....I was one of 3 cars in the parking lot....sheesh.

Once....JUST ONCE....I would like to get into some sort of hair pulling, name calling altercation with a 12 year old as she and I go for the last copy......but, alas.....I calmly grabbed the movie and walked up to the register (before they had even opened one up....ugh)

So, since today is nasty and rainy (and likely to snow this evening), there will be a viewing of Twilight and New Moon.....and I'll enjoy it as if I had to fight for it darn it.

Enjoy your Saturday dear bloggy buds....


Kristen said...

I just preordered mine online... I was envisioning a hair-pulling, name calling brawl with a tween so I played it safe :)
Glad you got your copy!!

Gypsy said...

Lol the only time I experienced a long line like that was for the release of Breaking Dawn... good times.

Emily said...

I know...I'm with you. I think if it had been warmer I would have camped out in the parking lot just for the experience.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I think it must have been nasty rainy EVERYWHERE yesterday!

Sierra said...

Ha ha I bet that was crazy, glad I stayed away from the mob even though it wasn't raining here!